Saturday, August 11


Well, yesterday was my last day as an actuarial analyst. And currently I don't have a job lined up in the school district. They say that I will be placed somewhere, but until I see the contract, I won't feel 100% secure. I am sad to leave the friends that I made at the firm, but I have no regret about leaving the work behind. What feels good is how many of my coworkers told me that I was making the right move. Even the management (and partners in the firm!) said that I would be much happier.

My (ex-) peers have been supportive. Last night we went drinking at the local Dueling Piano Bar. I had a great time. I sang and yelled enough that my throat is sore today. My voice is much deeper today, which has me singing all types of things. "Old Man River" for one.

Next week I am buying a house with Christie. I don't know if I'm excited about the house or not. I'm very scared, but it feels so much better going at this with a friend. At least we can bounce ideas off of each other. And we are able to share the multiple tasks that this process takes.

All of this stress is having an effect on me. I'm not sleeping well, which is very unlike me. My skin is dry in patches, like around my eyes. And I've been irritable on occasion. For example, Christie and I went washer/dryer shopping today. It was a bad experience and, to skip the details, ended with my frustrated request to the front end manager to "explain the amortization schedule they were using for the 'interest-free' payments." The manager gave me a look that said, "I don't get paid enough to deal with wackos like you." And I think Christie almost kicked me.

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