Thursday, November 1

Halloween Block Party

Last night was my first Halloween as a homeowner. I had enough trick-or-treaters to go through 3 bags of candy. I would have had more kids stop by, but I turned off my porch light and went to the block party instead. The block watch organized a party so that families could have a safe evening out, despite our verge-of-shady neighborhood. It was great to see so many people out. I don't think we all realized how many families are on the block. It's nice to see a community forming. The party was pretty cool. They had a bonfire in the middle of the street and a DJ playing music. A neighbor put on a show of juggling fire. And several people in good costumes were milling about. The saddest part of the evening was when we overheard the ghostbuster explaining his costume to a group of 8 year olds. They had no idea what a ghostbuster was, but they thought his ray gun was pretty cool.

1 comment:

Rowdehchickpea said...

Don't worry; I have to explain stuff like that all the time to my friends here in Ann Arbor. They are like, 22 years old. The three years is an eternity in the pop culture world.