Sunday, February 4

You spin me right round, baby.

I wish I had a good story about my recent Spinning exploits along the lines of the very funny "Crotch Machine of Death" story from Adina. But I don't.

My story is that normally I am in the pool, swimming 50 laps, every day by 6:30 am. However, for the past two weeks, I have been going to the 6 a.m. Spinning class on Thursday mornings. Terra, the instructor is very friendly and fit. She gets us moving slowly, but I'm a sweaty mess by the end of the class. I don't fall off the machine, and I don't make any embarrassing sounds when we "go up another hill." Even though I do want to ask her why we never just "coast down a hill." That's my favorite part of a bike ride and, I think, if we're simulating a real ride, every part should be represented.

Joining the spinning class has shown me how much of a regular I have become at the gym though. The first time I took the class I was surprised at how many people noticed that I had missed my regular swim. And one guy, who has never talked to me previously, asked me for my opinion of the class. He had been nervous about joining it and wanted to know what it's like for a beginner. I didn't mind answering his questions, because he was wearing clothes, which is more than what can be said about other chatty guys in the locker room.

How can I make it known that I only want to talk to other guys if we are both wearing pants? And why do I seem to be one of the few people who feel this way!?

Stay tuned for a future post, in which I will tell you about my Pilates class.

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