Sunday, September 23

In the middle of class

These are comments my students made while I'm in the middle of a lesson! They actually raise their hands and I call on them because I'm anticipating a question about the topic being covered.

Student: Mr. ___, who's your favorite rapper?
Me: Who's your favorite mathematician? Get back to work.

Student: Teacher! Word on the street is you is gay!
Me: Yeah? Word on the street is that a number of my students are trying to switch out of my class because I make you go up to the board, but the guidance department won't let you. Get back to work.


craziasian said...

wow. were those you real responses? because if they were, i so want to be in your math class.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I've been waiting to hear how your new profession is going. It takes courage to be a HS instructor these days. Especially in a public school. Good luck.

Unknown said...

You need to come up with some better comebacks. How about something like, "word on the street is you momma is..."