Thursday, November 30 would be so nice.

Tomorrow night is my third holiday party. The past two years the parties were held at a hotel 50 minutes from downtown. It was tres chic and a good deal of fun, but it was quite a drive. This year, the party will be held in a restaurant two blocks from the office. This means that I can walk there and stumble home at the end of the night. And instead of drink bar! Just in case, I'll be bringing my flask.

I haven't been to an office party yet that didn't provide gossip afterwards - usually alcohol and/or sex related gossip. Hopefully this year will be no different. Already we have drama. The members of the fun committee have been bickering about the details of the party and one of them has decided not to attend in protest. Yeah, the Fun Committee. Its name just screams irony, doesn't it?

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