Monday, March 12

Europe by the Numbers

Ten…completed postcards that I left at the breakfast table in Brugge, Belgium. Because they are stamped, I hope someone will drop them in a mailbox and not the garbage.

Nine…H & M stores. Two in Paris, two in Brugge, and five in Amsterdam!

Eight… supporting characters in the story:
  1. Ida, our gracious Parisian hostesss
  2. Simon, our trusty Belgian guide
  3. Valerie, our trusty Belgian guide’s sidekick (and fiancĂ©e)
  4. “The Waitress Who Cared” (and who told Felecia that she cannot eat the pita with her meal)
  5. Our smelly Flying Pig hostel roommate
  6. Arnold, the Friendly Frenchman, who dreams of visiting Alabama
  7. Charley’s flirtatious reflection
  8. The dog at the hostel who likes gloves.
Seven...pigeons that landed on Charley at one time to eat from his hand.

Six…days’ worth of pictures that I deleted from my camera.

Five…cigarettes bummed from strangers

Four…countries visited in one week: Germany, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands (a.k.a. Holland – who knew!)

Three…traveling companions: Felecia, Charley, and me. Decisions never required a tie-breaker.

Two…musicals, from which we sang a good number of their songs: Wicked – “You’re gonna be popular” and Pete’s Dragon – “It’s a Brazzle Dazzle Day”

One…exhausting week.


mance01 said...

Wow...poor Arnold.

Also, sounds like you had an awesome trip. Too bad about the pictures!

craziasian said...

just saw felec's pics. so you don't have the hostel gymnastics pics you were taking? sad.

Donny said...

Actually I have the second set of pictures from hostel gymnastics. The first set, unfortunately, were deleted during the Amsterdam Purge.

Rowdehchickpea said...

I seriously enjoyed your post.

Anonymous said...

hey, I received my postcard in the mail the other day, so it looks like someone dropped them in the mail box for you!