Monday, December 15

Secret Santa

Did I tell you that my Secret Santa at work left me a thong? It's a tuxedo thong so it has a little bow tie on the front and tails in the back. Most of the staff knows about this even though our gift exchange is limited to the math department.

Today "Santa" left me some novelty condoms. Do you know what Santa leaves for the other teachers? Julie received a candle. Charles got some mixed nuts and candy. Dave received a gift card to a coffee shop. I got novelty condoms and a thong. My fear is that when I finally bring this stuff home, I'm going to die in a car crash and there will be reports of the teacher with the strange fetishes.


craziasian said...

if you died in a car crash and there were reports of a math teacher that had strange fetishes, I would stand up and say, "Yes, yes I know that man and it is true."

that's what friends are for.

Donny said...

I think I need to change my will to prevent you from speaking at my funeral. Eh, what do I care, I'll be dead.