Friday, January 13


I got lost on my way to the NAACP on Wednesday night. Why I was going, isn't important. I kept driving up and down Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive (Seriously, some people say the whole name everytime they talk about it.) but I could not find the office. I couldn't even find a respectable building besides a bank. And as the only black woman in my office said later, I was "deep in the 'hood" so I did not feel safe walking around to get a better view of the addresses.

I eventually found a library, the Martin Luther King Library. (Despite its juxtaposition to a police station, this is the branch of the Milwaukee Public Library that had a shooting at it.) I went inside and asked for directions to the NAACP. The security guard directed me to the reference desk, where the other white person in the room was seated. The librarian was helpful. We checked some websites, but eventually turned to the Address Listing Book, which is really cool. You just turn to an address and find out what's there. It's an artifact from PG - pre-google. It was incredible.

It turns out that the NAACP's office is in the basement of the bank. I found it, but I was fifteen minutes late. Better late than never.

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