Sunday, April 30

An Indian, an Asian, and a Caucasion walk into the Islamic Center of Milwaukee. Is this the beginning of a joke? No, it was the beginning of my weekend.

Jake, Katie, and I went to the Open House at the Islamic Center on Saturday. However, when we got there we noticed a huge banner on the building that read "Open House: May 6th". Oops, who messed up the dates? We went inside anyway and made sure that they would welcome us the following weekend. The woman we talked to was very nice and we plan to go back next week. "Free refreshments. Bring your friends," The woman said. The Muslims are very friendly.

Even though we missed the Islamic Center, I managed to straddle many cultures this weekend. I ate Mexican food and sushi. I bought a Rush Greatest Hits album. I studied at the art deco coffee shop in town. And I was pulled over for speeding for my first time.

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