Monday, December 18


I have little time left in Milwaukee before I head back to the commonwealth. I have plenty to do before then - projects at work, clean around the apartment, update computer issues, meet with church people, etc. But what am I doing instead? Looking for jobs online. And freecell.

This morning I went to a yoga class for the second time at 6 am! And this morning, the class was cancelled for the second time at 6 am! However, now I know that the class has been cancelled for good, so I won't be trying that again. I was moved to try yoga after my recent snowboarding adventure, when I realized how poorly I balance and how much flexibility I've lost since my boxing/tap-dancing days. I'm still swimming more than a mile each day, but that rarely requires me to touch my toes. So, it seems that I will need to find some other means of expanding my exercising.

Somehow I fit about 20 people into my apartment this weekend for my moustache and ice skating potluck - more commonly referred to as the "What would Brian Boitano Do? Party." Kudos to Linda who decorated her cake with a moustache made out of icing.

The weather was warm, but the ice was cold enough to skate. None of my BU friends were in attendance, so we didn't have any trips to the emergency room. (I mean you, Jackie.) Unfortunately, all of our "action" shots on the ice are too dark to justify uploading them. However, you're not missing much - "action" for us means blurry images of flailing people on ice.

1 comment:

craziasian said...

your moustache is the best.