Monday, February 7


Today I started working with a new team at work. I'm not officially on this client team, but they want me to do their grunt work for them because I'm the cheapest person in the office. I think it's a good opportunity: I'll be working with different people, including our office manager. I'll get direct contact with the client. And it'is a huge, global company. However, my initial meetings were a little rough today. Everyone talked quickly and things weren't very organized. Every 15 minutes or so the project manager would turn to me and say, "Donny, did you understand any of that?" Fortunately I did. I knew what they were saying on a sentence-by-sentence basis, but I couldn't exactly follow the big ideas. I suppose it would help if I had previously seen the computer programs they were talking about, met the people that they talked about, or had some inkling of what type of pension plan was being discussed. By next week, however, I will have read all of the literature available, and I should be ready for our meeting with their representatives.

I know that work entries are boring. But this blog is not just about you. It's about me too.

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