Saturday, September 6

Third Time...

I had 3 interactions with the Milwaukee Police Department this week. The first 2 were related. I witnessed a hit-and-run and gave a statement twice. Way to be efficient, MPD.

The third interaction occurred an hour ago as I was walking through an alley in my neighborhood. An unmarked car pulled up beside me, and the officer in the driver seat began a conversation with me as she was getting out of the car. She asked questions about how I was doing, but before I knew it my hands were in the air and I was being frisked. As I think back to the situation, I don't even know what I was saying. I know she was asking questions and I was answering them. Thank goodness I remember where I live and my phone number. Although I messed up my number the first time she asked. I did feel a little embarrassed when she asked why I was walking through the alley instead of on the street. I had noticed some houses for sale and I was checking them out. I wanted to compare the prices and see if the neighborhood was increasing or decreasing in value. Of course, crime waves tend to turn house values down. I showed the cops my list of houses that I was checking out. Then I realized that this could look as if I were casing the joints.

Luckily the cops believed my story. Actually I think the one recognized me from my break-in last May. I was sure to bring that up so that she would know that I am a victim, not a perp. As they pulled away and my adrenaline subsided I became very frightened. A friend of mine was mugged the last night at gunpoint, and apparently there was someone to be feared walking the streets in my general area.

I continued on my walk and I think the houses are overpriced. They are not nearly as good as my house. And that's with the broken water heater. Cold showers are good for me.

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