Wednesday, October 8

Kickball Injuries

Last week I made a great play in kickball. I slid into home plate during the last play of the game. It would have been very dramatic if I hadn't been out at 2nd, and 3rd. I was the last out of the game, we were down by 14 points, and I thought to myself, "Who cares about rules - I'm just gonna keep on running until they stop me." And nobody did. So, I kept running. And to end the inning on a ridiculous note, I decided to slide into home. However, I don't know how to slide, so it was more like falling with gusto. My team loved it. Unfortunately I cut up my knee and I was bleeding for the rest of the night. The blood would not have been such a big deal except I was going to a party afterwards, at which I only knew a few people. I made a great first impression with my blood running down my leg and dirt spots all over my clothes. It didn't help that everyone else was dressed up as if they were headed to the symphony. I stuck out like a sore thumb - or a nailless toe, which I currently have two of. But that's a different story.

This week at kickball I was pelted in the face with the kickball. I know it's just a kickball, but John throws hard and I did nothing to remove myself from the missile's path, which would have ended at the opponent and resulted in the inning's last out. Unfortunately, my face was in the way and I was left dazed and confused. Seriously, my face was tingly for the next 3 innings and I'm sure it was not due to all of the candy corn consumed in the first inning.

I'm preemptively placing myself on the DL for next week's game.

1 comment:

craziasian said...

just, wow donny.