Sunday, May 7

I don't wanna rock, DJ.

Jake is out of town for the week.
I'm in full study mode. Life contingencies rock.
The weather is beautiful, but I'm inside.

Sometimes I dance. And I ignore the walls of floor-to-ceiling windows and I give the people in the building next to me a free show. MJ is in heavy rotation. (It don't matter if you're black or white.) But today I also played a favorite mix CD which included Robbie Williams and Outkast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regarding Robbie Williams...

I have "Angels" on my mp3 player. I turn it up really loud while I'm doing my 1.5 mile walk from my car to class, and in my head I totally GET INTO IT...American Idol-style clenched fist and closed eyes...but outwardly, I look totally normal. Except that sometimes the song will end and I realize I walked past my building a minute and a half ago.

The same is true for "Everlasting Love" by Smokey Robinson.