Monday, May 22


I drove to Reading/Wyomissing today with my mom and cousin, Lindsey. Lindsey graduated from college this year and has a new job in that area. We went to look at her new apartment and decide what type of furniture and decorations she needs. My mom wanted to stop at the Vanity Fair outlets so that she could buy underwear. I just had nothing to do.

We had a fun time. The three of us never spend time together so it was funny to see all of our characteristics come together. I played the wise older cousin role and gave Lindsey all sorts of advice on moving to a new area - such as how meeting people is easier at a golf class than an abs class. We also talked about interest rates, which seems to be more and more common discussion among my friends my age.

I passed the restaurant that I at at last year with Charley and Bronwyn - two people from different worlds in which I once lived. Bronwyn was working; I called her but she didn't pick up. And according to Adina's flickr pictures, Charley is currently out of the country. If either of you have advice for Lindsey's move to your area, please let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just talked to a study participant from Wyomissing yesterday. Thanks to you, I was able to say "Hey, I know someone there right now!"

He wasn't as impressed as I was.