Tuesday, March 7

Find out what it means to me

While I was in Alaska last summer, I missed our Respect at Work training. Now, eight months later, I have to spend my morning watching a video about how to interact appropriately with my coworkers. There have been quite a few comments around the office about how finally the Streak of Donny's Disrespect will finally come to an end. I think I'm going to address the training facilitator as "toots" and see what happens. She's the same one who talked to me for an hour at the holiday party and, I later found out, was too drunk to remember any of it.

Viva la Milwaukee.


Anonymous said...

I copied it directly from the website as "hoe." I mean, it's the urban dictionary, they don't care about being grammatically correct.

I'm replying here b/c Tom's blog is rather annoying.

Tom said...

Oh, is that why all the emails you send me from the office are laden with profanity?

I was wondering, but I see now it's because you haven't attended the Respect at Work training.

double points if you call her "toots" while taking a swig from your flask.