Sunday, July 10


I was going to have a nice "catch-up" entry about my whirlwind week, but I'm 9 hours from my flight, 7 hours from my bus departure, and 5 hours from my alarm. And my stuff is still unpacked on my bed.

Some highlights from my week:

Being told numerous times how much I'd be missed from work. Mostly by the people that will now have noone to push around.

Getting a crew cut. I look like Bartoletti from high school - if any high school friends read this. I keep feeling my fuzzy head.

Passing my actuarial exam. This really hasn't hit me yet. Perhaps when I receive the bonus and pay raise, I'll finally be excited about this event.

Seeing a BJ being performed on a guy who was driving a car. This was at a stop light. Sure maybe the girl was picking up something from the floor around his feet, but he seemed to be enjoying it, a lot.

Receiving my Wisconsin State Tax Refund. Finally.

Packing and shopping for this Alaskan adventure. I don't know how many grizzly-mauling stories I've heard this week. I started to tune them out.


Anonymous said...

Yeah I heard a grizzly mauling story recently. It was a guy in Alaska who was just sitting in his tent, minding his own business. His food was properly secured far from his tent and he wasn't dancing around with a shotgun to provoke the bear or anything like that. He was just sitting there and the bear mauled him.

I wasn't going to say anything but since you brought it up...anyway you won't read this till you're home anyway.

Congratulations on the actuary exam!

Anonymous said...

ooh. now aren't you going to feel awful when D does get mauled by a bear? you just couldn't resist that tongue-in-cheek post, could you?

well me neither. watch out for bears donny, (and I don't mean the Chicago variety)


Anonymous said...

t - i don't think jackie has ever said anything with her tongue in her cheek. it's always in the normal part of her mouth. - a