Monday, July 4

Huge Gym Bag Sale

Without a comma, this sign at my gym is indecipherable. What's huge? The gym? The bag? The Sale? Confusion reigns with signs like this posted around town.

Last night, at SummerFest I saw Howie Day and Moby. I didn't spend much time listening to Howie Day. I was the only person there that was drinking legally and Howie was mostly playing his new music. I did hear Ghost and Secret but the latter was interupted by an ambulance coming through the crowd.

From my building I have been watching fireworks going off through the whole city. There have been about 50 different displays going off throughout the city and suburbs in the past hour. None are too close, but it's a great sight to see. I whistled You're a Grand Ol' Flag while I watched them for a while, but eventually my lips got too dry. And the blog called.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But where would you put the comma? I think that the only way to make this make sense would be to rephrase the whole thing. Maybe something like "Huge Sale on Gym Bags!" or "Gym Bag Sale - Huge!"

Too bad the Howie Day show wasn't all that least he didn't lock you in the bathroom of his tour bus though!