Tuesday, October 4


I have a client meeting at 8 am tomorrow. Straight from work, I'm going to the airport to fly home. Speaking of home, a girl from Moscow moved to Milwaukee today. She's already offered to drive me to the airport. I love the small-town mentality of always helping our neighbors. I've already offered her the use of my car while I'm gone so that she can look for apartments. She also may need some supplies for the new apartment while she waits for her grandparents to drive here with the moving truck. I think I may put together a survival kit - you know some utensils, a lamp, duct tape - the essentials, for the mean time.


Johnny Sapphire said...
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Johnny Sapphire said...

Also, if it was emailed to me, then I probably still have the quotes from the Myrtle trip. I can't remember any of them off the top of my head, but I think there was one about furry muppet sex.