Tuesday, April 26

Trivia, Milwaukee style

Tonight, Simon and I found a bar that plays Trivia. We didn't play but we should have. I think we could have won. Simon is my new neighbor. He's from Belgium, he doesn't know much American trivia, nor did he understand many of the questions that were asked tonight - but that only put him on an equal level with the other patrons of the bar.

I'm used to Our House level of trivia. Tonight, there were only four teams. One of them was named "the Bulls". None of them were named after obscure movie/TV quotes like "Boo-urns" or "Shut up, Donny." We're going back next week. And we're bringing April and Karen. Not only will they double the average IQ of the bar but they'll also double the number of women there as well. That $50 gift certificate is ours. Oh, and Simon and I had 6 beers (3 Leinenkugals and 3 Blue Moons) and the bill came to $15. Milwaukee is so different from Boston.


Tom said...

trivia team names:
-Nomah's Groin
-Everyday should be Brett Favre Day
-Free Beer is Good Beer, who are we kidding, any beer is good beer
-stained glass kicks ass
-the champagne of trivia teams
-who died and made you pope
-the nhl players union
-what made milwaukee famous
-thelma, louise, butch, and sundance
-paul newman's own
-the great white north
-the dark side of the moon
-the light side of the moon
-the swiss cheese moon man army
-brats for tots
-booze is our muse
-the real milwaukee bucks
-racine kringle

just to start you off.


Johnny Sapphire said...

"Shut up, Donny" is the greatest team name EVER.