Sunday, April 24

wasted trip

Today I went for a walk to the Ace Hardware store on Brady Street. I had an hour to spend while waiting for my drier (or dryer). I needed to buy steel wool for my stained glass project.

I walked all the way there and found out that they had closed at 4. It was 4:15. If I had not waited for my mom's phone call earlier in the afternoon, I would have made it.

So, because I didn't want to waste the whole trip, I stopped at the Pick 'n' Save for some groceries. For some reason, I checked my back pocket and realized that I had left my wallet at home. Oops. I turned back home, and continued with my laundry.

1 comment:

Tom said...

in my cousin's old car the key broke off in the ignition, so to start it you'd have to jam a screwdriver into the ignition and turn it.