Tuesday, March 8

puke or smoothie

While living in West Campus last year, I was introduced to the game, Puke or Smoothie. The premise is that while walking across campus one often finds messes on the pathway. Are they the aftermath of a rough evening drinking or the spillage of a delicious smoothie from the Late Night Cafe? There are no Winners or Losers in Puke or Smoothie except for the person who, the night before, made it all possible. I thought that by graduating college, my days of Puke or Smoothie were behind me. But alas, I have found the Milwaukee version and here the game isn't very difficult. It is most definitely puke. It is on the sidewalk in the two blocks between my apartment and my office. It has been there for a week now, because we don't have any B & G workers. This has also been a very balmy week - no rain, no snow, no temperatures below freezing(!). I wish we could have a good downpour, so that this stupid game would be over.


Anonymous said...

B&G...ahh those were the days.

Speaking of grounds...I drive through BU from South Campus to Allston every morning, and the roads are NEVER PLOWED! They just dump sand on top of the snow and leave it there. WHAT IS THE DEAL?

Anonymous said...

when we first moved to philly , i saw a giant mess of puke in the middle of the sidewalk on my way to work. no one ever cleaned it up and it never was washed away. so it sat there until it SOLIDIFIED and now permanently stains the sidewalk. the person who threw his/her chunks there must be delighted of the fossilized reminder.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I remember that game, but the game that I really remember is "worse up the butt" which donny introduced me to. that sounds awful, doesn't it? ok, I'm not signing this post.