Friday, June 3


Riversplash starts today. This is Milwaukee's official kickoff to the summer's weekly festivals. Lucky for me Riversplash is only a few blocks away. I can hear the music playing already. Tonight, Simon, April and I are going to see Pat McCurdy, a local favorite. He sings in the Irish ballad/drinking song style. A year ago, I saw him perform when I was here looking for an apartment. I got really drunk that night and I don't remember a lot of it. It was a great introduction to Milwaukee. I remember being impressed that beer came in resealable plastic bottles and that everyone drank in the streets. The only songs I remember Pat McCurdy singing were "Sex and Beer" and "I'm an Idiot for your Love." Milwaukee is a classy place.

Simon just stopped by. His laundry must be done and the evening's debauchery can begin. Tomorrow he flies back home. Next week April moves to Washington and I begin to rebuild my circle of friends.

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